High Usage Alert

Freezing temps cause heaters to use more energy, especially overnight and early mornings when it’s coldest. Lower your thermostat a few degrees to save and find more tips in our winter guide.

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Keep Cool with Summer Energy Tips for Your Home and Business

Posted by: Javier Vilchis | 05/13/2021 at 01:20 PM

Keep Cool with Summer Energy Tips for Your Home and Business

Keep Cool with Summer Energy Tips for Your Home and Business

Saving energy during the summer takes some planning, but with our handy energy saving tips you can keep cool even during the hottest stretch of the year. There are plenty of ways to save whether you own a home or rent an apartment. And if you’re a business owner already feeling the heat, we’ve got you covered, too. So check out our hot tips:

Summer Break

Summer Break

If you’re a Texas residential customer, our Summer Break plan is an excellent way to lock-in summer savings with 50% off your energy charges from June through September. Learn more.



There’s no better way to keep you and your family cool this summer than by getting your A/C inspected and changing filters on schedule, sealing air leaks around your windows and doors, utilizing LED light bulbs, turning up the thermostat a few degrees and investing in a smart thermometer, just to name a few. Even simple practices like closing your blinds can make a big difference.

Apartment dwellers

Apartment dwellers

Having less space doesn’t always translate to less energy usage. Consider taking energy-saving steps throughout your apartment like running your ceiling fans counterclockwise, getting efficient with your laundry routines, avoiding the oven when cooking and unplugging any devices that aren’t in use.

Business owners

Business owners

Operating at peak efficiency while reducing energy use requires strategy and investment, but the payoff will come in your monthly bills. Hire a professional to perform an energy audit, have your HVAC system serviced and change filters monthly, automate temperature settings with a programmable thermostat, increase overall temperature by 1 to 2 degrees and install daylight and motion lighting sensors.

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